Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Personal Lifestyle Choice

Over the past 45 years, I slowly gained weight – lost a little now and then – but the trend was upward. In fact over these years, I added about 57 pounds – didn’t seem bad – just 1.22 pounds per year!

During the past eight months I have completely reversed this gain and have now lost 55 pounds and am diligently working to lose at least two or three more! I am back to the weight that I carried when I played football and was in the Marine Corps!

I was like toting around all the time a fifty-pound bag of cement mix, or three large concrete blocks – no wonder I now have more physical and mental energy! And, my cholesterol has dropped from 197 to 143; my blood pressure is down too, but most importantly my self esteem is up and I look and feel better.

So, how did I do it? I was strongly motivated to just look better, and to “buy some additional good years” in my life. I had tried fad diets like Sugar Busters, and Adkins’ and more exercise, but I soon gained back the relative few pounds I had lost. I did cut out sugar – particularly nearly daily doses of ice cream – but I was looking for a life-style change for greater longevity and healthier happier living.

One of my associates suggested reading the book, The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II. I read it cover to cover and have re-read some parts of it. The information in it has made a real difference for me! I have changed my eating simply said, to fibrous vegetables and fruits which contain natural protein and carbohydrates. I do not eat meat or dairy products. I try to exercise daily and walk two to six miles each day. I snack on good foods, but do not now crave sweets.

This is the vegan diet that former President Bill Clinton has practiced since having multiple heart and vascular surgeries and related problems, and as publicized by Sanjay Gupta on CNN Television ( ) .

Interestingly, if people eat more vegetables and less meat, particularly beef, it will have a favorable effect on the environment too.

To quantify my exercise and walking, I wear a FitBit ( ) to count or measure my activities. It is somewhat like a pedometer, but the data is electronically synchronized with my computer to keep continuous records – by the day, or month – by the steps, or miles or calories! It is motivating for me to know accurately how I am doing.

I am now confident that I will live longer and enjoy life more!

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